• 8年试管助孕品牌机构
  • 国内外知名生殖医院合作
  • 安全高成功率服务保障
  • 专业客户和后勤管理系统
时间:2023-08-27  来源:未知  点击:797次


1. 夫妻双方均要年满22周岁,女性的卵巢功能正常。

2. 夫妻双方必须是合法的婚姻关系,且不得有任何遗传疾病。

3. 必须进行人工授精两次以上,且均未成功。

4. 必须在正规的医院进行手术,且手术前需进行全面的身体检查。

  • 广州专业供卵医院地址,台湾试管婴儿包成功
  • 广州专业供卵医院地址,台湾试管婴儿包成功的一些注意事项



    1. 大学城医院


    2. 广州市妇女儿童医疗中心


    3. 广州市黄埔区人民医院



    1. 选择正规医院


    2. 年龄限制


    3. 生活习惯



  • 供卵IVF英文缩写,广州第三代试管婴儿多少费用
  • Introduction

    In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a popular assisted reproductive technology (ART) used to treat infertility. It involves fertilizing an egg with sperm in a laboratory dish and implanting the resulting embryo into the uterus. One of the options available with IVF is using donated eggs, or oocytes, from a third-party donor. This process is known as donor oocyte IVF or more commonly as supply oocyte IVF. In this article, we will explore what supply oocyte IVF is and the cost of the procedure in Guangzhou.

    What is Supply Oocyte IVF?

    Supply oocyte IVF is a type of IVF that involves using donated eggs from a third-party donor. This is an option for women who may have issues with their own eggs, such as poor quality or a low number of eggs. The process involves selecting a donor who has undergone a series of tests to ensure that they are healthy and suitable for donation. The donor then undergoes ovarian stimulation to produce multiple eggs, which are retrieved through a minor surgical procedure. The retrieved eggs are then fertilized with the partner's sperm or donor sperm in a laboratory dish. The resulting embryos are then transferred into the woman's uterus.

    What is the Cost of Supply Oocyte IVF in Guangzhou?

    The cost of supply oocyte IVF in Guangzhou varies depending on several factors, such as the clinic, the number of cycles required, and the type of treatment. On average, the cost of one cycle of supply oocyte IVF in Guangzhou is around 40,000 to 60,000 RMB. This cost includes consultations, medication, egg retrieval, fertilization, embryo transfer, and any necessary follow-up appointments. However, the cost may increase if additional services are required, such as genetic testing or embryo freezing.


    Supply oocyte IVF is a popular option for women who may have issues with their own eggs. It involves using donated eggs from a third-party donor, which are then fertilized with sperm and implanted into the uterus. The cost of supply oocyte IVF in Guangzhou varies depending on several factors, but on average, it ranges from 40,000 to 60,000 RMB per cycle. If you are considering supply oocyte IVF, it is important to consult with a qualified fertility specialist to discuss your options and determine the best course of treatment for your individual needs.

  • 广州供卵代怀试管代怀和代孕在中国的法律地位
  • 代孕在中国一直是一个争议性话题,因为它涉及到生育权和商业利益等敏感问题。中国现行的《计划生育法》规定,禁止任何形式的代孕和卵子、精子等生殖物品交易。然而,在实际操作中,代孕仍然存在于中国许多城市,并且一些机构和医生也提供广州供卵代怀试管代怀服务。
